Help spread the word about mental health awareness and suicide prevention!
Take the pledge!
The Bandana Project was started in 2016 by Conlin Bass, a student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Conlin had suffered the loss of his uncle and a close high school friend from suicide, so he wanted find ways to eliminate the stigma of mental illness and make people aware of mental health resources available. He founded the project with the help of the NAMI On Campus Chapter at the university. For more information visit: https://www.thebandanaproj.org/. The Blackstone Valley Prevention Coalition is pleased to be a partner of The Bandana Project and to bring it to our communities!
The purpose of the Bandana Project is to spread awareness of mental health resources to individuals with mental illness. This is done through the use of lime green bandanas which will be distributed across our communities and attached to purses, handbags, and backpacks. This use of the bandana indicates that the person:
- is a safe individual to approach with a mental health-related issue
- knows where mental health resources are in the community
- carries resource cards with information on where to get help and support in times of crisis
Welcome Video
As you watch this welcome video, please keep in mind that while the language refers to campuses, it is interchangeable. This project is done at college campuses, high schools and in communities.
Pledge Cards

BVPC Resource Card

How You Can Get Involved
During the next several months the BVPC will be working with the regions' community prevention coalitions to raise awareness of the project and distribute the bandanas, pledge and resource cards. Individuals in the Blackstone Valley who would like to be members of the project should contact their city/town's prevention coalition (see below). They will provide information on how to get the lime green bandana and cards to give to individuals needing help and resources. Next fall, training will be provided to youth/young adults who want to support their peers through this project.
For More Information and to Obtain Bandanas & Resource Cards
Burrillville Prevention Action Coalition- Monica Blanchette at mblanchette@burrillville.org
Central Falls Prevention Coalition- Enrique Newman at enewman@progresolatino.org
Cumberland Prevention Coalition- Pam Shayer at pshayer@lincolnri.org
Lincoln Prevention Coalition- Pam Shayer at pshayer@lincolnri.org
North Smithfield Prevention Coalition- Pam Shayer at pshayer@lincolnri.org
Pawtucket Prevention Coalition- Diane Dufresne at ddufresne@pawtucketri.com
Woonsocket Prevention Coalition- Lisa Carcifero at lcarcifero@woonsocketpreventioncoalition.org or Berta Leon at bleon@woonsocketpreventioncoalition.org
Central Falls Prevention Coalition- Enrique Newman at enewman@progresolatino.org
Cumberland Prevention Coalition- Pam Shayer at pshayer@lincolnri.org
Lincoln Prevention Coalition- Pam Shayer at pshayer@lincolnri.org
North Smithfield Prevention Coalition- Pam Shayer at pshayer@lincolnri.org
Pawtucket Prevention Coalition- Diane Dufresne at ddufresne@pawtucketri.com
Woonsocket Prevention Coalition- Lisa Carcifero at lcarcifero@woonsocketpreventioncoalition.org or Berta Leon at bleon@woonsocketpreventioncoalition.org